A website hosted by the Yellow Springs Baha’i Community

As you explore this website you will discover that there is something here for everyone: children, youth, adults and speakers of Spanish, French and Swahili. Below you can read about some of the unique pages we have created on this website. (All blue text are links.)
For information on the monthly devotionals and other events at the Baha’i Center in Yellow Springs see: Yellow Springs Events. For other events in the area see: Miami Valley Baha’is. To connect with other Baha’is in Ohio and around the world go to: Ohio Baha’is: Communities.
Youth Programs
The Youth Programs front page was especially designed for those interested in the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program whether it be the junior youth themselves, parents, program directors or older youth who would like to serve as animators for the Junior Youth. (Includes a nice selection of videos.) There’s a page to introduce you to the themes and books used in the program. You can also explore the concept of Justice and how one might contribute to the building of a new civilization.
Some Answers to Questions was especially created for Youth who want to learn about the Baha’i Faith. Discovering the power of prayer and what happens to us when we die are also explored here.
At Baha’i Hip Hop & Rap you will find artists whose lyrics are inspired by the principles of the Baha’i Faith.
The Prayers for Youth page was created with youth in mind. Many of the selections are excerpts from longer prayers.
About the Baha’i Faith
About the Baha’i Faith General information about the Baha’i Faith. You will also find links to our offerings in Español, Français and Kiswahili. Two beautifully filmed documentaries taking you to villages and cities around the world in which people of diverse cultures share the transformational impact the Revelation of Baha’u’llah has had on their lives.
A Global Process of Learning – Cultivating a Culture of Peace for the Betterment of the World For the past twenty-eight years Baha’is around the world, along with their friends and neighbors, have been engaged in a global process of learning at a grassroots level that is helping to build their capacity to apply the teachings of Baha’u’llah to the transformation of society. A simultaneous worldwide social development program unique in the history of the world. Open to all. Be sure to check it out!
Baha’i Statements on Global Issues Statements or letters from the Universal House of Justice, Baha’i International bodies and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States that may be of interest to the public. Also see: Racial & Economic Justice and Other Global Issues, World Citizenship: A Global Ethic for Sustainable Development, Equality of Women & Men includes Baha’i Writings and Statements from our National and International Community and links to sources about Tahirih: Poetess and Heroine.
Consultation: the Operating Expression of Justice in Human Affairs Excerpts on consultation from two important documents: Prosperity of Humankind and Unity and Consultation: Foundations of Sustainable Development (NSA of the U.S.) with an excellent summary of the principles that consultation is based on. We also included a link to Amanda Ripley’s C-SPAN 2 Book TV interview, where she discusses her book “High Conflict” and explores the adversarial-free methods in the Baha’i Faith’s system of governance, decision-making, and the unique Bahá’í electoral process.
Note: Under many of the photos on this site you will find interesting links perhaps about the design of a House of Worship or an award won, a TV program produced, or a choir singing.
Baha’i Prayers
Prayers for Guidance, Protection & Spiritual Resilience This page was originally designed during the pandemic but is just as useful now. The prayers on this site are especially selected to share with those who may not be Baha’i but would appreciate the beautiful prayers the Baha’i Writings have to offer. The sub-categories include: children, youth, infants, healing, humanity, marriage, spiritual growth, departed. Musical renditions are linked below the prayers.
Transforma Mi Espíritu – Transform My Spirit – Transforme Mon Âme Prayers by Baha’u’llah in Spanish, English and French. There will be an additional link to prayers from other sources in the Baha’i writings in Español, English and Français. People of all Faith communities will appreciate these spiritually uplifting prayers.
Prayers for Protection – Lapriyè pou Pwoteksyon – Prières pour la Protection – Oraciones de Protección – in English, Haitian Creole, French and Spanish
Prayers for Children & Baha’i Education Resources Here you will find links to videos of the prayers being sung along with an indication, (ELL), for those videos that are especially good for English Language Learners. There is also a Children’s Class Songs page for those learning songs about virtues in neighborhood children’s classes and another page with additional resources.
Education Resources
Provides links to articles by Linden Qualls, 12 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES FOR the SPIRITUAL & MORAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN: A BAHA’I PERSPECTIVE or the shorter version Mining the Gems of Virtues in Our Children, as well as her webpage full of all her creative ideas she has developed over the past 40 years.
The Joyful Education Blog by William Barnes is no longer active, but we are making an attempt to make a list of all the articles with a bit of a description so you can access these wonderful blog postings more easily.
Here you will also discover a Spiritual Development of Children Research Collaborative that is based here in Ohio. The research is looking at the Covenantal relationship the child has with God and His Manifestation at how that changes with each stage of their development. A question of how to bind the child’s heart to the Covenant Is being explored. Some of the research takes place at the Baha’i Center in Yellow Springs with a special environment created for that purpose. They would welcome more researchers and you don’t have to live in Ohio to join. For a quick look into our Approach & Discoveries see: The Refuge Research Initiative in Yellow Springs, Ohio
Racial Unity & Black History in the Baha’i Faith
‘Abdu’l-Baha’s Call for Race Unity in America – 1912 An article we compiled on ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s call for race unity during his visit to America.
Oneness, Unity in Diversity, Elimination of Racial Prejudice A compilation of writings of Baha’u’llah, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States.
Black History in the Baha’i Faith: The Universal Emancipation Proclamation A compilation of 80 + articles by Christopher Buck on Black History. Other pages include Black Baha’is & Race Amity articles and More Race Related Resources plus ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s Race Unity Work 1910 – 1921 and the Black Intelligentsia Who Took Notice. This page includes videos: Towards Oneness in which Dr. Cornel West praises the Baha’i community for their early and consistent work for race unity in America and Roots of the Race Unity Movement.
Contemporary Black Baha’i Scholars, Authors and Artist on the Web
Calling on Ohio Baha’is
We would like to include more art from Baha’is around the state, as well as poems and articles, etc. We especially would like you to submit more In Memoriam articles and photos for the Baha’is who have served in Ohio for many years and have now passed on to the Abha Kingdom. Hopefully it will be here as a record for future generations of Baha’is in Ohio to get to know some of their Baha’i ancestors. If you would like a webpage for your community on our website or have your contact information listed, please let me know. Please send any request or submissions to ysbahai@gmail.com. Thanks! Susan Tower, Ohiobahai.org content creator.
Ohio Artist on this Website
This website has artwork from a number of artists originally from Ohio. (Two from Yellow Springs have recently moved away.) Nadia Mulhall, Yellow Springs, now Columbus. (These mandalas were created for a senior art project. They each represented someone in her life.) Jacoline Mulhall (1 2 3 4 5) now lives in Mars Hill, North Carolina. Keith Kresge and Nadia Malarkey of Yellow Springs. Jackie Hagan of Kettering, Ohio. Lindsay Montgomery (1, see above, 2 3 4 ) of Newark, Ohio.