Kuhusu Imani ya Kibaha’i – Waswahili / About the Baha’i Faith – Swahili

Mikusanyiko ya Kiswahili/Kiingereza – Dayton, Ohio – Swahili/English gatherings

Taarifa kuhusu tovuti hii: maandishi yote ya bluu ni viungo. Notice about this site: all blue text are links.

Imani Ya Kibaha’i | Maneno ya Mungu | Kutembea Njia ya Huduma | Basic Swahili/English | Alisa Atumbe /Carmel Group Singers | African Baha’i Music | Offres pour les francophones/ Offerings for French speakers | Kuhusu Imani ya Baha’i kwa Wanafunzi wa Lugha ya Kiingereza (ELL) English Language LearnersMore Miami Valley Programs

NTarehe 25 Machi 2023 ilikuwa ya kihistoria kwa Wabaha’i kote ulimwenguni kwani Nyumba ya kwanza ya Ibada ya Kibaha’i ilizinduliwa katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo. Conception de temples | La Communauté Baha’ie de la RDCMarch 25th 2023 was historic for Baha’is all over the world as the first national Baha’i House of Worship was inaugurated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. | Temple Design | Baha’i Houses of Worship Around the World

Nuru ya umoja ina nguvu sana hivi kwamba inaweza kuangaza dunia nzima. ~ Baha’u’llah

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. ~

Notisi: Jumapili ya Ibada, Oktoba 13 na 27, 3:00 Nyumba ya Mikutano ya Marafiki huko 345 Wyoming St. Dayton.

Notice: Devotional Sunday, October 13, & 27,  3:00 Friends Meeting House at 345 Wyoming St. Dayton.

Notisi: Ibada hufanyika kwenye Ukumbi wa Mikutano wa Marafiki (Quaker). (345 Wyoming St. Jumapili ya 2 na 4 ya kila mwezi saa 3:00 Usiku.  Angalia tovuti hii kwa uwezekano wa kughairiwa. Kwa maelezo zaidi piga simu au tuma ujumbe kwa Susan 937-207-2486. Tafadhali acha ujumbe au ikiwezekana maandishi yanayoanza na: Bahai. 

Notice: Devotionals are held at the Friends (Quaker) Meeting House (345 Wyoming St.) the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 3:00 PM.  Check this site for possible cancelations. For more information call or text Susan 937-207-2486. Please leave a message or preferably a text beginning with: Bahai.

Tafadhali jiunge nasi kwa maombi, kusoma maandiko matakatifu, wimbo na ushirika. Pia tutafakari kuhusu programu za kujenga uwezo zinazotolewa na Taasisi ya Ruhi na jinsi tunavyoweza kutafsiri mafundisho ya Baha’u’llah kwa vitendo kupitia huduma katika jumuiya zetu. Wote mnakaribishwa.

Please join us for prayer, scripture reading, song and fellowship. We will also reflect upon the capacity building programs offered by the Ruhi Institute and how we can translate Baha’u’llah’s teachings into action through service in our communities. You may feel free to attend all or part of this program. All are welcome.

Kumbuka: Ukurasa huu umekusudiwa kama nyenzo kwa Wabaha’i wa Marafiki kushiriki imani yao na marafiki zao na kuwaalika wajiunge katika mchakato wa ujenzi wa jumuiya. Inaweza pia kutumiwa kuwafahamisha wengine juu ya moyo na uthabiti wa watu wa Kongo.

Note: “Marafiki” is Swahili for “friends.” This page is intended as a resource for the Marifiki Baha’is* to share their faith with their friends and to invite them to join in a community building process. It can also serve to inform others to the spirit and resilience of the Congolese people. *”Marifiki Baha’is” is a term that some Baha’is from the Democratic Republic of Congo chose to be referred to by instead of the term “Congolese Baha’is”. 

Mafanikio ya ajabu: The Dawn of the Bahá’í Imani katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo (40:33) – Alfajiri ya Imani ya Baha’i katika Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo (40:33) – “Filamu yenye nguvu, mada nyingi muhimu na mabadiliko makubwa, uelewa mwingi wa kiakili wa watu, shauku na hekima, subira, na ujasiri katika upinzani mapema.” (Kiingereza//Kiswahili juu kushoto / Toleo la Kifaransa version)

A Remarkable Response: The Dawn of the Bahá’í Faith in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (40:33) “A powerful film, so many major themes and turning points, so much intellectual insights of the people, such enthusiasm and wisdom, patience, and courage in the face of early opposition.”  (English/Swahili version above left)

DRC: Nyumba ya Ibada Inakumbatia Wote (4:27) – Zaidi ya watu 2000 kutoka kote Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo walikusanyika Kinshasa kwa wakfu. “Nchi yetu ina zaidi ya makabila 450 na hapa ni mahali ambapo wanaweza kuja pamoja wakikumbatia uzuri wa utofauti wao na ubinadamu wao wa kawaida.” “Nyumba ya Ibada si kama muundo mwingine wowote. Unapoingia hekaluni, unazidiwa na amani ya ndani. Unavutiwa kukaa, kuomba na kutafakari kwa kina maendeleo  ya jamii ya Kongo.” ~ Laurent Kidinda, Mwakilishi kutoka Wizara ya Masuala ya Kijamii ya DRC (filamu juu kulia) Makala ya kujitolea “Azimio lisiloweza kuzimishwa na uthabiti wa watu wako, licha ya aina mbalimbali za ukandamizaji na migogoro ambayo imeharibu ardhi yako, imekuwa ya ajabu kwa wote kushuhudia.” ~ nukuu kutoka kwa kifungu | Klipu za video kutoka Sherehe ya Ufunguzi (0:42)

DRC: House of Worship Embraces All (4:27) – Over 2000 people from across the Democratic Republic of Congo gathered in Kinshasa for the dedication. “Our country has more than 450 ethnic groups and this is a place where they can come.”  “The House of Worship is not like any other structure. When you enter the temple, you are overcome with inner peace. You are attracted to sit, pray, and deeply reflect on the development of the Congolese society.”~ Laurent Kidinda, Representative from the DRC Ministry of Social Affairs (film above right) Dedication article “The unquenchable determination and resilience of your people, despite the various forms of oppression and conflict that have devastated your land, has been remarkable for all to witness.” ~ quote from article | Video clips from Opening Ceremony (0:42)

Nuru kwa Ulimwengu (51:23) – Filamu hii (juu kushoto) inakupeleka kwenye vijiji na maeneo kote ulimwenguni huku watu wakishiriki jinsi kukutana kwao na Ufunuo wa Baha’u’llah kumebadilisha maisha ya jumuiya zao kwa kuleta uthabiti, usawa na umoja. Vigezo juu ya maisha ya Baha’u’llah vimeingiliwa kote.

Light to the World (51:23) – This film takes you to villages and places around the globe as the people share how their encounter with the Revelation of Baha’u’llah has transformed the life of their communities by bringing about resilience, equality and unity. Vignettes on the life of Baha’u’llah are interspersed throughout.

Kuchomoza kwa Mwanga (48:06) – Filamu hii (juu kulia) inafuatia utafutaji wa kibinafsi wa ukweli na maana unaofanywa na watu wanane kutoka asili tofauti (South Side Chicago, Nepal, Ireland ya Kaskazini, Tajikistan, Zambia, Chile, Mwairaki anayeishi Austria, New Zealand. ) na ugunduzi wao wa Waangazi Pacha wa Kiungu, Báb na Bahá’u’llah, Ambao Mafunuo Yao ya Kimungu ni chanzo cha mabadiliko na uwezeshaji kwa watu binafsi na jamii kote ulimwenguni.

Dawn of the Light (48:06) – This film follows the personal search for truth and meaning undertaken by eight people from diverse backgrounds (South Side Chicago, Nepal, Northern Ireland, Tajikistan, Zambia, Chile, an Iraqi living in Austria, New Zealand) and their discovery of Twin Divine Luminaries, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh, Whose Divine Revelations are a source of transformation and empowerment for individuals and communities throughout the world.

Sehemu ya Kiswahili/Kiingereza ya An Expansive Prospect imetolewa hapa chini. (7:01) The Swahili/English portion of An Expansive Prospect is offered below. Version française ici. (La partie qui se déroule au Kenya commence à la minute 53:10.)

Sehemu hii ya An Expansive Prospect inatupeleka hadi Matunda Soy, Kenya ambapo Mashriqu’l-Adhkár ya kwanza ya mahali hapo (kwa Kiarabu yenye maana ya “Mahali pa Kupambazuka kwa Sifa za Mungu”) katika bara la Afrika iliwekwa wakfu mwaka wa 2021. Mashriqu ‘l -Adhkár ina uwepo wa kipekee. Inasimama katikati ya jumuiya, iko wazi kwa wote, na ni mahali ambapo sala na tafakari huhamasisha huduma kwa jamii.

This portion of An Expansive Prospect takes us to Matunda Soy, Kenya where the first local Mashriqu’l-Adhkár (Arabic for “Dawning-place of the Mention of God”) in the continent of Africa was dedicated in 2021. The Mashriqu’l-Adhkár has a unique reality. It stands at the heart of the community, is open to all people, and is a place where prayer and contemplation inspire service to society.

Tazama uimbaji wa Kwaya ya Kongo kwenye video hapa chini kwenye Ufunguzi wa Matuta yanayoelekea kwenye Hekalu la Bab kwenye Mlima Karmeli huko Haifa, Israel. (Mei 23, 2001) Katika hafla iliyotangazwa moja kwa moja duniani kote takriban Wabaha’i 3,000 kutoka nchi 180 husherehekea kama ishara kuu ya “umoja na amani” inayotolewa kwa ulimwengu.

The Congo Baha’i Youth Choir singing at a devotional program at the base of the nineteen terraced gardens leading to the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel. In a ceremony broadcast live around the world some 3,000 Baha’is from 180 countries celebrate as a majestic symbol of “unity and peace” is offered to the world. Performance in the video. One Country BWNS article May 23, 2001

A Vision of Peace: Stories from the Democratic Republic of the Congo JANUARY 16, 2018 BWNS – Article and photos of the podcast 

Maombi na Maandiko kwa wanaozungumza Kiswahili na Kiingereza kuimba pamoja.

Prayers and Writings for both Swahili & English speakers to sing together.

  • Ee Mungu, Mungu Wangu, Mpendwa Wangu, Na Haja Ya Moyo Wangu.
  • O God, My God, My Beloved, My Heart’s Desire. – The Báb 

Ukweli ndio Msingi / Truthfulness is the Foundation 

Ukweli ndio msingi wa njema zote za binadamu (2x’s) – Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues.
Bila ukweli, maendeleo na kufaulu – Without truthfulness, progress and success
katika malimwengu yote ya Mungu, – in all the worlds of God
haviwezekani kwa roho yoyote. – are impossible for any soul.  – Abdu’l-Baha

Heri pahali…ambapo Jina la Mungu limetajwa  / Blessed is the Spot…where mention of God hath been made  

Heri pahali, na nyumba, na mahali, na mji, na moyo, na mlima, na kimbilio, na pango, na bonde, na chi, na bahari, na kisiwa, na shamba ambapo Jina la Mungu limetajwa, na Sifa Yake kutukuzwa. ~ Baha’u’llah

Blessed is the spot, and the house, and the place, and the city, and the heart, and the mountain, and the refuge, and the cave, and the valley, and the land, and the sea, and the island, and the meadow where mention of God hath been made, and His praise glorified. ~ Baha’u’llah

Maombi ya Umoja wa Baha’i:  Ee Mungu wangu! Ee Mungu wangu! Unganisha mioyo ya watumishi Wako, na uwafunulie kusudi Lako kuu. Waweze kufuata amri Zako na kudumu katika sheria Yako. Uwasaidie, Ee Mungu, katika jitihada yao, na uwajalie nguvu kukutumikia Wewe. Ee Mungu! Usiwaache peke yao, bali uongoze hatua zao kwa nuru ya maarifa Yako, na ufurahishe mioyo yao kwa upendo Wako. Hakika, Wewe ndiye Msaidizi na Bwana wao.

Baha’i Prayer for Unity:  O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavor, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God! Leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of Thy knowledge, and cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord.  [song: bottom right]

Prayer: Remover of Difficulties / Hakuna wa kuondoa magumu ila Mungu / Dissolvant de difficultés

Is there any Remover of difficulties save God?  Say: Praised be God!  He is God!  All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding!  ~ The Báb  [English & Arabic version below]

Kuna mtu awezaye kuondoa shida isipokuwa Mwenyezi Mungu?  Sema: Mwenyezi Mungu na asifiwe! Yeye ni mwenyezi Mungu! Wote ni watumishi Wake, na wote wanaishi kwa mapenzi Yake! ~ Báb    ‘Kuna Mtu’ by choir members
Akuna mutu aweza ye ku ondowa chida isipo ku wa mwenezi mungu Sema mwenezi mungu asifiwer yéyé ni mwenezi mungu ôté ni wa tumichi waker na woté wana ichi kwa mabenzi taker

Video ya Brina hapa chini: Skizeni watu wangu, Skiza sauti ya roho zetu: Wacha tusherehekee umoja wetu, tuinue kila sauti na tuimbe pamoja, tuimbe kwa sauti kubwa kuishi kwa maelewano, huu ndio usawa wa kweli kwa mustakabali wa wanadamu.”

Brina’s version of the Red Grammer song Listen in both Swahili and English below: Hear my people, Hear the voice of our souls: Let us celebrate our oneness, lift up every voice and sing together, sing out loud live in harmony, this is the one true balance for the future of humanity”