Black Baha’is & Race Amity Articles | ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s Call for Race Unity in America – 1912 | More Race Related Resources | Race Unity 1910 – 1921/ Black Intelligentsia Who Took Notice

Series by Christopher Buck

The Universal Emancipation Proclamation CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 12, 2014 – PART 1 – Baha’u’llah wrote to Queen Victoria: We have been informed that thou hast forbidden the trading in slaves, both men and women. This, verily, is what God hath enjoined in this wondrous Revelation.The Summons of the Lord of Hosts, p. 89.

Baha’u’llah Frees the Slaves CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 13, 2014 – PART 2 – In 1873, Baha’u’llah promulgated what may be characterized as a “Universal Emancipation Proclamation,” announcing the Baha’i ban on slavery worldwide.

A Slave Educates a Prophet CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 16, 2014 – PART 3 – In the Kitab-i Si Duʿa, “The Book of Thirty Prayers.” the Bab repeatedly prays in following pattern: first, the Bab seeks God’s blessings for his mother and father, and then for “he who raised me.” The Bab’s reference to “he who raised me,” is, in fact, Mubarak, his uncle’s faithful and devoted Ethiopian servant. 

The Races – Robed in Black or White CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 21, 2014 – PART 4

Interracial Emancipation: Freedom from Racism CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 25, 2014 – PART 5

Devil in the Details; Angel in the Patterns (Robert Turner) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | FEB 9, 2014 – PART 6

Robert Turner, Slave by Birth, Freed by Lincoln, Enlightened by Faith CHRISTOPHER BUCK | FEB 11, 2014 – PART 7

The Shining Light of Black Spirit (Robert Turner/ Pocahontas Pope) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | FEB 12, 2014 – PART 8

The “Lincoln of the Spirit” and the “Black Plato” (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | FEB 21, 2014 – PART 9

The Baha’i Prayer that Freed the Slaves CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAR 25, 2014 – PART 10

The First Baha’i College (George W. Henderson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAR 30, 2014 – PART 11

America’s Bicentennial Poem(Robert Hayden) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 12, 2014 – PART 12

Poet Laureate Robert Hayden’s Poem on America CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 16, 2014 – PART 13

First Baha’i Race Relations Event (‘Convention for Amity Between the Colored and White Races Based on Heavenly Teachings’ in May of 1921 at the Congregational Church on 10th and G Street NW in Washington, DC.) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 21, 2014 – PART 14

Black Plato and the Harlem Renaissance (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 25, 2014 – PART 15

Black Plato’s Advice to Black Graduates (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 27, 2014 – PART 16

Black Plato on World Citizenship (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUL 25, 2014 – PART 17

The Slave’s Prayer of Freedom CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 22, 2014 – PART 18

Liberating Every Slave CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 24, 2014 – PART 19

The Prophet, the Abolitionist, the Liberator (Mubarak, Baha’u’llah’s sisters slave) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 28, 2014 – PART 20

Laying a Great Man to Rest—the Final Interment of Alain Locke CHRISTOPHER BUCK | OCT 7, 2014 – PART 21

Sing the Ballad of Alain Locke—Burying the Black Plato CHRISTOPHER BUCK | OCT 10, 2014 – PART 22

“King among Men”: Meet The Slave Baha’u’llah Freed ( Isfandiyar) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | NOV 3, 2014 – PART 23

Salvation: For One and All (Alain Locke wrote on Social Salvation) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | APR 7, 2015 – PART 24

Open Letter about Race to Starbucks and USA Today CHRISTOPHER BUCK | APR 11, 2015 – PART 25

Breaking Bread between Black & White in the Jim Crow Era  (Doris McKay tours the Henderson Business College) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUN 15, 2015 – PART 26

Despite Jim Crow, the Memphis Baha’is Contemplate Integration (the struggles of forming an integrated Assembly in the South) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUN 17, 2015 – PART 27

Memphis Baha’is—Both Black & White—Finally Break Bread Together (historic photo of first integrated Naw-Ruz feast – consisting of some students and teachers at Henderson Business College, Dr. & Mrs Watkins etc. Professor Henderson was elected to the first Spiritual Assembly of Memphis in 1941. He died on December 24, 1944, a highly-respected public citizen, and a stalwart Baha’i for 29 years.)  CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUN 19, 2015 – PART 28

How One Baha’i Battled Jim Crow (George W. Henderson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUN 24, 2015 – PART 29

Langston Hughes and Alain Locke go to Palestine—or Do They? CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUL 8, 2015 – PART 30

How Do We Teach the Young not to Hate? (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUL 24, 2015 – PART 31

Alain Locke—the Black Plato—Goes to the Holy Land CHRISTOPHER BUCK | AUG 16, 2015 – PART 32

The Pupil of the Eye: An Ennobling Racial Metaphor CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND NAHZY ABADI BUCK | AUG 20, 2015 – PART 33

Memphis 1917: Building Racial Unity in the Lynching Era (George W. Henderson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | DEC 27, 2015 – PART 34

Where Heaven and Earth Meet  (Professor George W. Henderson, Henderson Business College “Baha’i College”) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | DEC 29, 2015 – PART 35 The article revisits a Tablet by Abdu’l-Baha addressed to Louis Gregory, which praises  Professor George W. Henderson for establishing a Baha’i-inspired college in the South. Abdu’l-Baha described the college’s meetings as being influenced by the “Supreme Concourse,” suggesting a spiritual connection that guided and empowered the institution’s efforts. Henderson’s work is seen as contributing to the realization of the “Kingdom of God on Earth.”

The Perfect Results when the Races Intermarry CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 14, 2016 – PART 36

The Black Pupil: Where the Light of the Spirit Shines (in 1910 in Washington, DC, Alan A. Anderson became a Baha’i. He was the third African American to embrace the Faith in Washington, DC, after Louis G. Gregory, (1909) and Pocahontas Pope (1906). ) CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND NAHZY ABADI BUCK | SEP 9, 2016 – PART 37

Do We Have Spiritual Ancestors? Meet Pocahontas Pope CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 15, 2016 – PART 38

The Black Pupil of the Eye: The Source of Light (reflection on the letter Abdu’l-Baha sent to Pocahontas Pope and besides the term “Pupil of the Eye” His use of the term “that among that race thou art the first believer” did it mean “first Black Baha’i in Washington DC” or was he speaking to her possible Native American ancestry. In the letter Abdu’l-Baha reveals a prayer for her and points out that letters in which Abdu’l-Baha revealed a special prayer for the recipient were comparatively few.) CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND NAHZY ABADI BUCK | SEP 16, 2016 – PART 39

The Baha’i “Pupil of the Eye” Metaphor—What Does it Mean? CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 28, 2016 – PART 40

Abdu’l-Baha Visits Phoebe Hearst’s Servant (‘Abdu’l-Baha pays a home visit to Charles Henry Tinsley, who is confined to his bed with a broken leg. He had previously been employed by Phoebe Hearst. He achieved prominence in the local African-American community because of his talent for theatrical performance—he had a passion for Shakespeare.) CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND RICHARD HOLLINGER | MAR 11, 2017 – PART 41

Baha’u’llah’s Tablet of Emancipation CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JUL 27, 2017 – PART 42

Meet Miami’s First Black Millionaire, Who Worked to Worship (Dana Albert Dorsey)CHRISTOPHER BUCK | AUG 24, 2018 – PART 43

How Miami’s Renowned Black Entrepreneur Became a Baha’i (Dana A. Dorsey/Alain Locke/Louis Gregory) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | AUG 26, 2018 – PART 44

The Early—and Integrated—Baha’i Community in Miami CHRISTOPHER BUCK | AUG 30, 2018 – PART 45

What Happened in Miami when the Baha’is Integrated CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 1, 2018 – PART 46
Mr. D. A. Dorsey, is a colored financier, highly regarded by all the promoters of Greater Miami. Having accumulated more than five million dollars, is now actively engaged in founding a Model Negro City near Miami, in which he has donated a site for a [Baha’i House of Worship].

How a Baha’i Letter to a Black Man Revealed Dignity and Justice (Dana A. Dorsey) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 20, 2018 – PART 47

Why Did Early Black Civic Leaders Become Baha’is? CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 25, 2018 – PART 48

How the Baha’is Fought Jim Crow in Miami CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 30, 2018 – PART 49

Building the Moral Force that Sustains Society CHRISTOPHER BUCK | OCT 7, 2018 – PART 50

One of the First Positive Black Characters in American Film CHRISTOPHER BUCK | OCT 12, 2018 – PART 51

The Fascinating Story of Major Alfred Goggins CHRISTOPHER BUCK | OCT 15, 2018 – PART 52

America and Social Salvation (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 12, 2019 – PART 53

Alain Locke: the Pulitzer Prize, Legacy and Privacy CHRISTOPHER BUCK | JAN 12, 2020 – PART 54

The Role of Intelligence in Racial Advancement: Teddy P. Brains CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND JOSEPH L. LEWIS III | MAR 1, 2020 – PART 55

African American Baha’is During Abdu’l-Baha’s Lifetime CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND STEVEN KOLINS | JUN 1, 2020 – PART 56

Abdu’l-Baha’s Visit to an African American Baha’i in San Francisco (Robert Turner/ Charles Henry Tinsley) CHRISTOPHER BUCK AND CHARLEEN MAGHZI-ADER | SEP 4, 2020 – PART 57

More on Isfandiyar, the Former Slave Baha’u’llah Set Free CHRISTOPHER BUCK | NOV 10, 2020 – PART 58

The Fate of Baha’u’llah’s Faithful Servant Isfandiyar CHRISTOPHER BUCK | NOV 17, 2020 – PART 59

How the Founder of America’s Most Important Black Newspaper Became a Baha’i (Robert Sengstacke Abbott) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | NOV 24, 2020 – PART 60

America’s Black Newspaper and the Baha’i Faith (Robert S. Abbott ) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | DEC 10, 2020 – PART 61

The First “Convention for Amity Between the Races” CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 21, 2021 – PART 62

100 Years Ago, Americans Came Together for Racial Amity CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 23, 2021 – PART 63

The Public Reacts to the First Race Amity Convention in 1921 CHRISTOPHER BUCK | MAY 31, 2021 – PART 64

Alain Locke’s Final Baha’i Fireside Gathering CHRISTOPHER BUCK , MICHAEL ROCHESTER | JUL 16, 2021 – PART 65

Alain Locke’s Advocacy of the Baha’i Faith CHRISTOPHER BUCK , MICHAEL ROCHESTER | JUL 20, 2021 – PART 66

Champions of Unity: Abdu’l-Baha and Rabbi J. Leonard Levy CHRISTOPHER BUCK | AUG 22, 2021 – PART 67

Abdu’l-Baha: From Prisoner to Honored Guest CHRISTOPHER BUCK | AUG 27, 2021 – PART 68

Dr. King Highlights Major Black Philosophers CHRISTOPHER BUCK | SEP 13, 2021 – PART 69

Harlem, 1920: An Entire Black Church Embraces the Baha’i Faith (Rev. Richard M. Bolden ) CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | February 10, 2023 – PART 70

Harlem’s First Emmanuel Church and the Baha’i Principle of Racial Unity (Rev. Richard M. Bolden ) CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | February 16, 2023 – PART 71

A Persian Goes to Harlem – to Unite the Races CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | February 28, 2023 – PART 72

Why Do People Have Enmity for Differences in Skin Color? CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | Mar 10, 2023 – PART 73

From Black Baptist Preacher to Baha’i Teacher. (Rev. James T. Simpson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | Mar 24, 2023 – PART 74

Why a Harlem Baptist Preacher Became a Baha’i. (Rev. James T. Simpson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | April 06, 2023 – PART 75

So That Worldly Prejudices May Not Remain. (Rev. James T. Simpson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | April 13, 2023 – PART 76

Why Would a Harlem Preacher Visit Africa to Teach the Bahá’í Faith? (Rev. James T. Simpson) CHRISTOPHER BUCK , STEVEN KOLINS | MAY 3, 2023 – PART 77 Rev. James Simpson’s plans to travel to Africa and teach the Baha’i Faith there in the early 1920s.

Reaching Across the Racial Divide CHRISTOPHER BUCK | APR 8, 2017

The Baha’i Gospel of Unity (Alain Locke) CHRISTOPHER BUCK | NOV 27, 2013