Mining the Gems of Virtues in our Children extract from an presentation by Linden Qualls
The Virtues Project
The Virtues Project helps parents to awaken the qualities of character that exist in potential in their children. By speaking the language of virtues, setting virtues-based boundaries and recognizing teachable moments, we bring out the best in our children — and ourselves.
Other recommendations:
Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne
Waldorf educator and consultant Payne teams up with writer Ross to present an antidote for children who are overscheduled and overwhelmed by too much information and a fast-paced consumer culture that threatens the pace and playful essence of childhood. Payne claims that a protective filter should surround childhood, rather than the competitive, stressful adult world that has encroached on childhood’s boundaries, preventing kids from developing resiliency with a sense of ease and well-being… Publishers Weekly
Hold On To Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld
To safeguard our kids, they need to be willing to value parental input *over* that from friends, and this books explains exactly how to keep them hearing us.
The Spiritual Child – The NEW SCIENCE on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving by Lisa Miller, Ph.D